About Us
School Profile
Nilma Primary is a small rural school situated 3.5 km east of Warragul. The school was originally established in 1885. We have a current enrolment of 75 students.
At Nilma Primary School we provide a positive, stimulating and harmonious learning environment in a rural setting. Students have rich learning opportunities that extend their capacity to learn independently and interdependently. A flexible approach to teaching and learning, including the use of multi-ageing, ensures that learning experiences with clear learning goals and rich interactive environment, facilitating learning within and beyond the school. We believe that the most powerful way of preparing our students for a successful life is to work in partnership with our school community. We therefore encourage parents to take an active part in school life. Nilma Primary School is dedicated to being a school in which:
- Every student reaches an acceptable level of literacy and numeracy.
- There is a challenging curriculum with motivated and resilient students who are equipped to be life- long learners.
- There is a positive and co-operative environment in which teaching and learning are highly valued by the school community and success celebrated.
- Students and teachers embrace new technology.
- Students strive for excellence.
- Students take on responsibilities and accept leadership roles.
- All members of its diverse community are valued.
- There is a harmonious and welcoming relationship and partnership with the community.
Our school facilities support a variety of indoor and outdoor learning areas. Students are encouraged to explore and play in a diverse range of learning spaces.
Here are our dedicated and caring staff for 2024: